Root Canal Treatment and Single Visit Endodontics

Infection from a decayed tooth can spread to its blood vessels and nerves in the root causing pain. Typically it starts with night time pain, when you lie down. On further spread, pain on chewing can also be indicative of root infection. 

Root Canal Treatment is characterised by cleaning out the root and removing the source of infection. This is followed by filling it with a material that is inert, sealing all the possible entrances through which bacteria could invade. 

Following a Root Canal Treatment, the tooth loses vitality and therefore, you lose the sensations coming from it, thereby eliminating sensitivity. However, the non-vital tooth is now more brittle than a normal tooth and must be protected. For this, crowns or caps are placed to cover the tooth to prevent fracture. 

Most people associate Root Canal Treatments with pain, discomfort and multiple visits, but with use of proper anaesthesia techniques, this treatment can be carried out painlessly. 

Wherever indicated, we at the iDentity ensure that your Root Canal Treatments are completed in a single visit. Owing to the expertise of our Endodontist, you can be assured of a comfortable and long lasting treatment.