- Dental Implants
- Dentures
- Same Day Dentures
- Crowns and Bridges
- All on four implants
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- Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Dental Implants
An implant is a surgical screw, that essentially replaces the root of the tooth. It is used to support crowns, bridges and even dentures!
The placement of an implant is a simple surgical procedure by which a space is created using drills and the screw is placed within. The implant is basically the tooth’s root. The goal is to ensure that the implant’s surface forms a healthy continuum with the surrounding bone. This process takes between 3 to 6 months, after which artificial teeth can be loaded on to the implant. It is possible for teeth to be provided on the very same day after extraction and implant fixing, but this immediate replacement is only temporary and will not allow for exertion of as much force as your final teeth.
Implants help preserve bone, enable better looking new teeth and improve your chewing efficiency.
At the iDentity, you are definitely in the safest of hands , as our chief Dr.V.R is one of the pioneers in this field in the city with over 25 years of experience in placing implants.
Our chief was one of the first Indian Dentists to receive the “Diplomate in Oral Implantology” from the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, New York for his work in 2003.
Missing teeth is one of the most common problems amongst adults. There are a plethora of reasons for teeth falling out, but gum disease presides over everything else.
Age is commonly thought of as a predisposition to missing teeth, but with proper maintenance of oral hygiene and gum health, losing teeth can be prevented
Dentures are prosthetic devices used to replace missing teeth. They were in fact one of the earliest treatment modalities carried out in the field of dentistry.
At the iDentity, Dr. V.R offers all varieties of dentures. He has provided long lasting dentures for over twenty years. Dentures can be made for some or all teeth that are missing.
Removable Dentures can be removed and worn at your will. These dentures can easily be washed and maintained by you. They may also be given as interim devices while waiting for the fabrication of a fixed prosthesis. If they have to be worn permanently, they have to be periodically adjusted in accordance with changing bone conditions.
Flexible dentures and high quality dentures called bifunctional prostheses or BPS are also available at our clinic.
Dentures can also be attached with the help of few existing teeth or implants and these are called overdentures.
More precise dentures can be made using thin metal alloys and these are called Cast Partial Dentures which allow for improved taste stimulation by being better conductors of heat and cold.
Partial Dentures are often given clips, that are connected to the existing teeth which in turn retain the denture. These can be avoided with the help of attachment retained dentures.

Same Day Dentures
A little apprehension about having to get your teeth replaced is perfectly understandable. Being toothless can be awkward and uncomfortable, but with the latest developments in Implant Dentistry, we at the iDentity provide the option of getting new teeth on the very same day of implant placement/tooth removal This works without implants as well. Immediate dentures, or Same Day Dentures are also available at our clinic. Even your dentures can be fixed immediately with the help of implants.
Apart from eliminating the toothless period, dentures given immediately can act as a bandage to control bleeding. They can reduce pain after extraction. Alignment of the new teeth in the same manner as your original teeth is also possible with immediate dentures. They aid in preservation of bone beneath the missing teeth.
If you have a few teeth or all teeth to be removed, you are suited for this receiving immediate dentures/same day teeth. However, only after evaluation of your physical status and medical history, will your dentist be able to tell if your situation is ideal for the same.
Crowns and Bridges
A crown is essentially a cap. It covers the surface of your tooth, in order to protect it and allow for its normal functioning. Crowns can be given with or without root canal treatments. Post root canal treatment crowns are compulsory, as the tooth becomes brittle and requires protection.
Bridges are typically used for missing teeth. Normal, healthy teeth are capped in order to support the replacement tooth.
Capping requires a small portion of the tooth to be removed in order to create space into which the cap is fitted. The cap is then fixed using a dental cement that holds it in place.
Crowns and bridges can be made of both metal and ceramic or purely of ceramic. The material choice can vary according to the type of tooth. For front teeth, all-ceramic crowns are preferred owing to a better appearance. For back teeth, crown materials are decided based on the indications and condition of your teeth.
All on Four Implants
A game changer in implant dentistry, this treatment involves the placement of four implants – two in the front and two at the back. A combination of straight and angled implants enables the immediate replacement of an entire arch of teeth.
All on four teeth using angled implants are useful in avoiding important structures within your bone while placing them. They allow for longer implants anchored in better quality of bone and avoids unnecessary surgery to augment bone levels in areas of bone loss.
Pterygoid and Zygoma Implants: In the lower jaw, the all on four implants work wonders. However, when there is an excess of bone loss in the upper jaw, we provide the option of taking bone support from structures present deeper in the skull.
To take a look at some transformed smiles, click here!

Many a time, infection of the tooth and the negligence of it and lead to fracture of the tooth. The tooth structures can get destroyed by bacteria and its products to the extent of breakage. Now, the solution to this need not always be removing the tooth.
It can very well salvaged.
Post and Core restorations, involve placing a post within the root of a tooth. This helps retain a core of filling material on which crowns can be made.
Saving the tooth, preservation, is of utmost importance to us as much as it is to you. Broken front teeth can look as good as new with these treatments.
The combined effort of our Prosthodontist and Endodontist, has proven to show excellent results and will only continue to do so.